Parents seeking admission of their wards should obtain prospectus and an application form for registration. The registration form is available with the Administrator Prakash Academy.
  • Initially admissions are allowed from class Nursery to VIII on the basis to written test/Interview.
  • To qualify for the admission test, every candidate must get registered in the school.
  • Minimum age of student for admission in Nursery is 31/2 years at the time of admission.
  • Student will be granted admission test/interview. The parent/guardian will be required to deposit the fee on the day of the issue of the admission order. A birth Certificate and photograph must be furnished along with the registration form.

  • Note : Registration is no guarantee for admission. Registration fees once paid is non-refundable.


  • A student whose name is struck off from the school due to any reason will be required to pay the full fees as per rules (Fees means all types of fees including the tuition fee).
  • T.C. will be issued unless the accounts are cleared.


    No remission of fees will be considered in case of an expulsion. A student may be expelled for any of the following reasons.
  • Misconduct, Moral Turpitude and cheating at Examinations.
  • Non Payment of school dues.
  • Breaking school regulations.
  • Use of profane Language and insulting behavior.